Please enjoy reading our October newsletter aka Trestleboard which includes our past and future events. All events start at 6 PM unless otherwise noted.
March 2022 Temecula Freemasons Newsletter
We hope you enjoy this month’s Trestleboard aka Newsletter. There are many community and lodge events coming up within the next two months. Please join us in making our community better through our actions of making better Men.
Temecula Catalina Island Lodge Installation of Officers 2018-2019
You are cordially invited to the public ceremony and installation of the
2018-2019 Officers of
Temecula Catalina Island Lodge No. 524 F&AM of California.
This fourth day of December in the year of two thousand and eighteen at four O’clock in the evening at our Lodge.
The address is provided below and an Irish themed dinner will be provided afterwards.
From our family to yours, we look forwards to seeing you there.